
Keyouwang helps

I review it because i see the results after 3 days’ application. My warts have slowly fallen off . Remind dear friends who see this review that i am not advertising for it. I had laser therapy and medications which cost me 8600 RMB. I found out Keyouwang when i was on the internet. It helps although it is slightly painful during application. Thank you very much.
Generally, you will see the results - some of warts begin to fall off in 3 days. And only people who have genital warts feel painful during application. If you spray on the healthy skin, nothing happens. So, it works for warts.


genital warts fall off with Keyouwang

“It works. Skin peel off. And the warts fall off. But i think it has not been cured. I wanna buy more three bottles to completely cure it.”
“It is effective. Four warts fall off. I will continue to use it until it is cured. Thank you very much!”
“very good product, Haha!”
“it is amazing! My warts begin to fall off only 3 days. I will persist to use until all warts are removed.”
“a very effective genital warts remover. Some shrink and some fall off only two days.”
“it really works. Just as the customer service associate says, the warts disappear within 3 days. Now they don’t come back any more.”
“The warts begin to fall off on the second day. It is effective but it is painful. That lasts for seconds.”
“It really work. Initially, i was also skeptic al about it. But it is proven to be effective."


My large genital warts fall off with Keyouwang

Two days: I use this two days. I think it does work. Although it is slightly painful, it is bearable. Yesterday, the infected area turned white. Today, it turns black. I think small warts will fall off soon. Initially I didn’t care much for them until the warts began to develop in size and numbers. I was going to see the doctor but I hit the internet looking your product. I bought one to try. As a result, it is out of my expectation – it is really effective, very good. Tomorrow, I am going to order 2 bottles to completely cure this disease.
Four days: My large genital warts fall off. Haha, it is amazing!

An effective genital warts treatment – Keyouwang

“It is not very painful when applying. The infected area turns dark four hours later. It really works for me. Very good product. In the beginning, I also suspect whether it is effective. But now, it is amazing after my experience of Keyouwang. I will insist to use, hoping it can be cured." - Female


Natural remedy for internal genital warts

Internal genital warts (inside the vagina, cervix or anus) are also caused by the human papilloma virus (HPV) The only topical solution that can be sued in treating internal genital warts is Keyouwang. This can be sprayed inside the vagina, cervix or anus. Use twice per day for 3-4 days in a row. Then after two days, the treatment is resumed for 3 other days until the warts are killed.
It is not very easy to remove internal genital warts with surgery.
To cure internal genital warts naturally, you can use the all-natural product like Keyouwang. This product is a topical solution, fast removing genital warts within 3 days and preventing genital warts from coming back. It acts even on the genital warts that are still too small to be noticed and treated with other natural remedies or creams.
The way Keyouwang acts is that it inactivates the underlying virus to kill them naturally. The period of treatment with Keyouwang depends on the severity of genital warts. Please click here to learn more about Keyouwang.


Can I spread HPV to my children accidentally

Genital warts is a nastly little sexually transmitted disease that is caused by a number of sexual interactions with an infected partner. Genital warts is the most commonly spread STD and a shocking percentage of sexually active people are already infected by it. The virus responsible for your outbreaks is called the Human Papillavirus or HPV. There are many strains of the HPV virus and some are more difficult than others to treat. In fact, in rare cases, a new HPV strain can develop an immunity to treatment and other methods of removal will have to be considered. You should know that this is extremely rare but it still exists. You can visit your doctor and schedule an appointment to have a bloodwork test that will be analyzed to see if you are infected by one of these rare strains.
Can I spread HPV to my children accidentally?
Yes, you can accidentally spread the virus to anyone you come in contact with. It is a scary thought but it is the truth. This is why it is so important to wash your hands frequently and avoid touching or scratching your genitals throughout the day. If you do happen to touch your genitals(even if you are not currently experiencing an outbreak), it is absolutely a MUST that you wash your hands with soap immediately. The last thing you want to do is have to live with the fact that your children will have to grow up with a STD and not even know they have it. By practicing proper hygiene, you can advoid the entire situation and forget about ever having to sit them down for an awkward conversation when they are older about how you accidentally gave them your genital warts.
How to completely get rid of genital warts – Kyouwang
It is different from other treatments. It is a product which is able to inactivate and eradiate the virus instead of only removing genital warts. Patients will experience result since the first application – warts will turn black and then peel off. Generally, nearly all warts will disappear within 1 week. Continuing using after genital warts disappear is able to kill the underlying virus. Discontinue when nothing happens during using. It means that there is no virus at all.
More information on www.genitalwartstop.com 


Where do genital warts appear on women

Genital warts appear as flesh-toned or gray growths that are raised or flat on, in and around the genitals. They can grow in clusters that resemble cauliflower, or they can appear singularly.
In women, genital warts appear inside and outside of the vagina and inner thighs. They can also appear on the anal region, growing in and outside of the anus. Genital warts are caused by human papillomavirus (HPV). You cannot rely on the visual presence of genital warts to determine if someone is infected with HPV. In some cases, genital warts never appear or can appear years after contracting the virus.
In women, genital warts can grow on the vulva, the walls of the vagina, the area between the external genitals and the anus, and the cervix. The signs and symptoms of genital warts include:
· Small, flesh-colored or gray swellings in your genital area
· Several warts close together that take on a cauliflower shape
· Itching or discomfort in your genital area
· Bleeding with intercourse
Genital warts on women can cause some compilations.
Cancer. Cervical cancer has been closely linked with genital HPV infection. Certain types of HPV also are associated with cancer of the vulva, cancer of the anus and cancer of the penis. Human papillomavirus infection doesn't always lead to cancer, but it's still important for women, particularly if you've been infected with higher risk types of HPV, to have regular Pap tests.
Useful articles; Are genital warts deadly for women 
                 Symptoms of genital warts in women